MA Accept

MA Merchant Referral Program

Can you handle a ton of bv?

Market America Referral Program

Earn ongoing BV – easily! – by referring businesses to iTransact


Whenever you are talking to a business owner, add this to your conversation:

“I have a business partner who does credit card processing. Let me get you a rate quote.”

It’s that easy. You have a business partner (Payroc) whose specialty is reducing merchant account fees. On average we can save businesses 25% or more. If they are willing to accept a free quote, say you’ll have Payroc call with details. Then submit the online referral form and… that’s all! We will do everything else!

In nearly every case, we can save the business money. In many cases we can save them a lot of money.


Once we receive your referral, we will contact the business owner and introduce ourselves. We want to show them exactly the savings we can provide, so we will ask for copies of their recent processing statement(s). We will use that information to provide a side-by-side analysis of their entire fee structure (not just their percentage “discount rate”), comparing what they’re paying now to what they’ll be paying with us, along with the resulting savings.


For each referred business that signs up with us, you receive a BV reward every month for as long as they stay with us. You get a full 40% of Payroc’s profit on each account as BV. Example: If Payroc makes $100, you get 40 BV. If iTransact makes $1000, you get 400 BV!

A referred business cannot be another Unfranchise, but it can be an outside business owned by you or another UFO.

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